Logitech Media Server becomes Lyrion Music Server

After mysqueezebox.com has shut down, Squeezebox audio player and its server software are still very much alive. Instead of relying on mysqueezebox one has to setup their own media server (which can be done on cheap low end hardware and isn’t as hard a it may seem). Previously the software was called Logitech Media Server […]

Taking a look at ManifoldCAD

I’ve been taking a brief look at ManifoldCAD, a 3DCAD program in the style of OpenSCAD that runs in the browser and uses Javascript. ManifoldCAD is a relative new project from Emmet Lalish. It’s free and open source software (Apache-2.0 license). In case you are not familiar with these kind of CAD programs, instead of […]

Playing Rusted Warfare

I’m currently playing a lot of Rusted Warfare, an RTS game from a small Indie developer named Luke. Since the nineties I’ve always been a great fan of real time strategy games. Back then I played Command & Conquer (1995), Seven Kingdoms (1997) and Warcraft 2 (1995) with it’s clean graphics but what really blew […]

My favorite free and open source software

A list of my favorite FLOSS programs for the PC (mostly) divided into several categories.

Twisted Vase in OpenSCAD

In this blog post I’ll continue a previous post about polyhedron in OpenSCAD. Now we create something more exiting, a twisted vase.

When to use Friendica over Mastodon

When my Mastodon instance was down I took another shot at Friendica. Here are my thoughts about it.

Compress videos with FFmpeg

Comparing compression results of a video using FFmpeg.

Lithophane creator for 3d printing

Create a lithophane from your own photo using the Customizer of OpenSCAD.

To improve Funkwhale

Funkwhale is a social platform to enjoy and share music. As part of the Fediverse Funkwhale is not only an audio server and player, it aspires to be a place for socializing around music and discovering new content. Below are some tips for the developers to improve Funkwhale.

A curved 3d printed lithophane in OpenSCAD

Creating a 3d printable lithophane in OpenSCAD is relatively easy. But in this post we use a trick to create a curved lithophane.